Civil War Movie Review

Mrs. Boris and I went to see Civil War the movie yesterday. Lately there has been a lot of buzz surrounding this movie. It became something of a meme before it was even released, and seems to be doing quite well. Before seeing it some people were panning it a bit or so I’d heard. I’m going to say it now, SPOILER ALERT! I’m actually going to try not to spoil too much. I’m really NOT going to spoil the “what kind of American are you?” scene. (I decided I don’t care about spoilers, that scene got spoiled for me reading something and it didn’t really hurt my perception of the movie at all) So with that let’s dig into this!

First off this is as much or more of a movie about journalists, photo journalism and being a combat correspondent as a war movie. Mrs. Boris commented on how artistically done the cinematic style was, and I’d agree. I love black and white photography and the young reporter with her vintage Nikon and field film development kit was extremely cool to me! I am now wondering about seeing if i have enough extra stuff to make my own portable development kit. Also makes me want more old Canon F1 stuff. Canon F1’s, F1n and Nikon F3 are some of my favorite cameras. I like old cameras what can I say? Ok I’m OT again but this aspect was the first thing my Luv mentioned and indeed as I said, as a B&W photographer and old camera guy, this touched me. Now what with the hate of journalists anymore, having the old Lou Grant/Animal style of the old school ethos of journalism has immediately put off a lot of people. I don’t think a lot of the people out in real life doing this anymore do a good job. Some of it is not the reporters fault it is whoever runs the outlet and their editorial decisions that are ruining, have ruined the legacy media credibility. I felt like there were subtle nods to Gonzo journalism, a vibe too kind of like The Hurt Locker, combat and Combat journalism being the high for adrenaline junkies. Also I thought of the movie We Were Soldiers, a true story written by a combat correspondent. Very different movies but a bit of correlation worth mentioning I think. I love that movie anyway, see it if you haven’t! Anyway this is very much a movie about journalism and it’s ethics and principles in many respects. I think they did a good job. Kirsten Dunst was excellent, and unfortunately I don’t think in real life a lot of journalists live up to the standards or ideals, whatever it IS necessary to the plot of this movie.

Going into this movie you kinda have to suspend disbelief and enter the world of the civil war. I’m going to make a lot of speculations here. I was having the most fun in the movie trying to figure out who the different factions were and the backstory of this whole thing. Be prepared for it to be chaotic. You do not know who are people they run into. The backstory being that these journos are taking a road trip from NYC to DC in the waning days of a modern American civil war, a CW 2. It’s the near future , probably within a decade of our current TL, or maybe parallel? It’s often eerie calm, always tense. Punctuated by chaos and intense violence. The threat of snipers looms. They talk of the Western Alliance in the movie as one of the factions. Apparently Texas and Cali have seceded and created an Alliance of some sort. Portland Maoists are also mentioned. The USG as currently constituted are apparently the bad guys and DC’s fall is imminent. There’s mentioned the antifa massacre, but they don’t elaborate. So basically this is a dystopian road trip movie. A journalism, war and road trip. The music I thought was really good, the sound design in general was. This one definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat. One shootout depicted guys in Hawaiian shirts, the Boogaloo I guess. I’m not quite clear who they were fighting. I’m not sure if USG or Western alliance or someone else? I’m not sure who the Boog bois were fighting for. I feel like they’ve studied some of the Ukraine war footage and did a good job capturing some authenticity of feeling like you’re watching someone of that footage.

OK ive said about all i can say. I really don’t want to spoil it for you. I will not spoil the famous scene with the red glasses guy other than to say the trailers don’t spoil it at all. So I honestly don’t see peoples criticisms about this movie being too unrealistic that I’ve heard. Ok here’s a big one, is this a Psyop? I mean idk, maybe? I don’t think timing is coincidental in an election year. Still, probably more timed to make money tbh. I thought they did a great job of being fairly apolitical, and overall I really enjoyed this movie. It’s artistic, though provoking, I give them high marks for doing something original because it’s pretty rare these days. Double bonus points for doing it well! So i hope you enjoyed my review. I definitely think this one is a must see!

Civil War yay!

I have not seen the Civil War movie yet. I do want to, I figure at least it’s something original. This movie has already become a meme, with the guy with the red glasses, “what kind of American are you?” Mrs. Boris reports that people at her work who saw it were making fun of it. They said clearly that the writers have no clue about bugging out of survival or anything like that. I’m hearing some similar things on X. I haven’t seen it so I don’t know. I am writing this as a preliminary report before seeing the movie. What do I think a civil war in the U.S. might look like? Is it even possible? Likely? So many questions, so many scenarios. Do I want a civil war? No! I’m anti war, I don’t want any war. I’m simply very pro self defense. Anyway, without further ado, let’s get into it.

Here’s where we are at from my real world observations, also talking to Mrs. Boris, her talking to people and so on. We agree that the country is in a cold civil war now perhaps, Mrs. and I do. Certainly if we have a civil war now, it isn’t going to look like the first one. There is no North and South. Everyone is distributed everywhere around the country with the political divide rather being something much more of an individual belief system vs. North vs. South. So I certainly don’t see two standing armies facing off. No, the word Balkanize has been thrown around a lot, and if things do happen this seems a likely outcome. We got pretty close to civil war in 2020. The riots, the autonomous zones, I think this is what we will see, just more of and more intense.

I contend we’re way down the rabbit hole, further than many realize. A coup occurred in 2020. The Biden regime has no legitimacy. I think fedgov will ultimately prove too broke and have too little people to do too many authoritarian, draconian actions. They’re trying to scare people with the J6 political prisoners. It’s definitely a weird rabbit hole. Perhaps one could say it’s an ongoing Cold Civil War. Many people have heard of antifa generically. I don’t think they’re aware of the individual organization names. They’re not aware of how deeply entrenched these revolutionaries, these American VC are. Ultimately I think your communist revolutionary is an ideologically driven individual. Currently this bunch has donned the keffiyah, and they are chanting death to America. The same fine dnc cutout funded (ActBlue!) people that were all Blak Lives Matter four years ago. So I definitely see the antifa as bad actors in all this. They’re deliberately wishing to destabilize everything. They call themselves ancom or AnSoc. The only thing they have as an Anarcho component is the destabilizing part, which isn’t even a tenet of anarchy. I suppose I should just start saying voluntary or something, saying anarchy or ancap or whatever gets confusing…

The whole notion of this civil war gets confusing to be fair. Who is already at war? Who are the bad actors? Who are the various covert proxies and what are their motivations? Motives? Plans?? What even is possible to wargame? My admittedly cloudy crystal ball sees a lot of foreign influence in all the current situation. The Border Invasion for one. What exactly IS going on here? Everything, from all reports it is really bad. Who’s behind this invasion. China sure seems to pop up, they always seem to be a very sneaky malign influence in all of this. Muh Russia collusion with Trump has been debunked. Somehow he’s supposed to be a Putin ally, yet Putin is allied with Xi. Really Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, they all hate America. The homegrown revolutionaries here claim to be Maoist, I don’t think that’s a coincidence. So essentially I don’t think the people of this country want to fight by and large. That dosen’t mean all these people don’t live to see us fighting and do what they can to instigate it. Considering the apparent corruption, from Biden to McConnell, the border, it’s difficult to see how this isn’t enemy action.

Another angle to examine is the fascist corporate/government alliance. This gets into the globalist conspiracies. They essentially want a one world currency, a China style social credit system. The transhumanist, post modern globalism essentially desires totalitarianism. So how much are the globalist in “cahoots” with the Chinese? Hard to say, but a lot apparently looking at Biden. They’re looking like they’ll green light the takeover of Taiwan basically. They’re not going to do anything if it happens. Yet these same people are so anti Russia and wish to become more entangled in Ukraine. The western postwar liberal world order or aka the rules based order is quite schizophrenic. What’s this got to do with it? Well the Chinese have controlling interest in many media companies. The cia/usg have influence as well. Corporations have funded things like BLM. You’ve got all these various NGO’s, non state actors mixed up in all this.

So supposing there is something? What does it look like? I honestly don’t really know. It looks really nasty, I know that. I guess it possibly starts out like 2020, but just gets worse and keeps on going. Maybe you see terrorist attacks, I don’t know what exactly the other shoe of the invasion will drop, I just think something will. I think one it starts and as it goes on the grid falls apart, the currency collapses. Just a chain reaction of bad stuff. Once it’s started it can’t stop, it spirals. I do think 2024 is a year with way above average potential for something bad to happen. I’ll mention noted author Joe Dolio and the Council on Future Conflict theory of worldwide civil wars. This is already started. In Israel, in Ukraine. It could be Taiwan next. Africa is unstable. The order is changing, Russia and China making moves. South Africa… So yeah as it spreads it could spread here.

Counterpoint, well not exactly but it is worth noting that people in this country are generally really soft. Things are going to have to get pretty bad to distract the managerial class from their sportsball, convenience and general cushy life. As for the title of this screed, I’m not trying to be flip. I personally don’t want civil war. I think those that do are crazy. Still, you do have people in this country at odds. You have some crazy ideas taking root, really crazy ideas imo. Will a civil war here be a race war? A class war? It will be ideological, or at least have ideological overtones for the useful idiots of the left. The right is ideological too, they have their beliefs. I contend we’re in a Cold Civil War. When did it start? Hard to say exactly, for the purposes of this article I’ll say sometime in the Obama administration. That’s when “hands up don’t shoot” started and we saw the bussed in ngo insurgents for the first time. Surely one could go back further. But to me this seems like a good starting point. So what to expect? I expect 2024-25 to get spicy at some point. I don’t know when. I’m not really sure at all how it’ll play out, I’ve said over again that I just can’t predict this year, everything seems haywire. Hopefully this article is informative, especially if you say live in another country. You may have a very different perspective on our politics here. This is no NYC/LA perspective here. This is a heartland, flyover middle American perspective. I PROMISE you I’ve seen these insurgents irl. I have personally witnessed the media falsely reporting a story and omit crucial details. Thank you for bearing with me through this long and rather complex article! I’ve got a couple more of these turkeys on deck but don’t worry, I’ll have some fun stuff too! Maybe even later today, fun stuff. Oh and I do plan to see moviefilm, so I will have a post movie blog up later after I see it. Until next time friends!

Civil War: Is It Coming?

Aghhh 2024. I’m old enough to remember 2020. It still seems surreal, it got CRAZY! A lot happened, a lot of masks came off yet it seems more people are more splintered and delusional than ever. This is another American Presidential election year, and that’s not good. It is supposedly, so far shaping up to be a 2020 rematch of the Mango Mussolini vs. the Bidet. I think the majority of people are horrified by this. There’s a very distinct possibility of Biden getting replaced, I think. But for now he still firmly seems to be the Democrat candidate. You do have RFK Jr. in the mix, a possible dark horse. He doesn’t seem to be really getting people all THAT excited. Nikki Haley is a challenger to Trump on the right, although she doesn’t seem to be popular at ALL. All this I’m reporting is really total opinion. It’s all based on vibes I’m getting hanging out on X, the band formerly known as twitter. Ok new graf I’m off topic already…

So apparently there’s a couple of fictional near future civil war movies out or coming out. Coincidence? Art reflecting pop culture? Or a psyop, media agitprop to ramp things up. I’m not the one to even say, you decide. I’m just over here throwing out ideas. More serious is you have Texas fighting with the feds over this border invasion. Which by itself, what IS going on with that? Everything I’m seeing and hearing about it looks bad to me, really bad. Some are predicting all out war. They may be right. I have seen video recently of this Azerbaijani guy crossing down there. He was totally talking smack, and they apparently doxxed the guy as having done 12 years in prison for arms trafficking. You also are seeing multiple photos of Chinese nationals. Put some uniforms on them, looks like a PLA platoon to me. Really really bad. You have Texas apparently working on their own Forward Operating Base down there at Eagle Pass. Now you apparently have truckers talking of a boycott delivering goods to NYC following a the verdict against Mr. Trump there recently. Trump certainly has a VERY vocal and fairly sizable base. I don’t know if it’s still big enough for him to win. They think they are but they may certainly not be. They are certainly rabidly loyal all those he’s still got. So things definitely seem to be getting set up more than ever for SOMETHING. I certainly won’t forget all the antifa in ‘20, and I’m just expecting we will see them again en masse sometime this year. Exactly why and how is really my only question. I think we may see them working with the invaders at some point. So to conclude, I think we came dangerously close to civil war in 2020. I am not talking about the stupid J6 riot either, at all. There were a lot of riots in 2020 and that was certainly not the most violent or firey. We were close, a coup actually occurred and most don’t recognize this. As Dr. Shooty said this morning, we really have a Junta now with the Biden administration. This is all triple bad here on Presidents Day 2024. 2020 was bad but 2024, I’m not optimistic. I don’t know what else to say, pay attention hold on and prepare to hunker down. Thanks for reading, friends.