Prepper Net: Days of Protest

So the past couple of weeks we’ve been protesting! I’m protesting many things, mostly just the embarrassing, comical, illegitimate Biden regime. Everything, all of it is so unbelievably bad! Xiden’s vax mandate speech was the most infuriating thing i’ve ever heard! Anyway, you name it, Ashcanistan, 13 soldiers killed, the drone strike that killed 10 people, 7 of them children, the border, you name it it’s really hard to keep up with the debacle of the day. The news out of the formerly free country of Australia is really disturbing, all of this related, all of it truly New World Order level sh*t! My philosophy is to not just gripe on the internet but to get out there and DO SOMETHING! This is why I write, it is why I started our local prepper net, prep, train and lately I hit the streets and exercise my right and PROTEST! Last week was our first decentralized protest. This week we went out and through pure happenstance happened to run into another protest.

Honk For Freedom protest

I take heart in seeing these other folks out protesting. We on the right are the most maligned, misunderstood bunch in history I truly feel. We are not ‘anti vaxx’ we are anti-mandate. I would be more pro vaxx if it seemed the damn thing worked! It does not stop catching the coof and it does not stop spreading the coof. Apparently you’re supposed to get ‘less sick’, maybe so, maybe no. Project Veritas latest drops only confirm what I have already been hearing. Xiden wanting to mandate the vax only hardens my resistance! In conclusion, i truly feel the Lord is guiding me. It is no coincidence that he showed me the Revolutionary Communists and their NLG minions for me to report to you. It is no coincidence that my little protest today led me to meet others protesting today. So take heart, keep the faith and KEEP FIGHTING!

Author: Boris the Blade parody

Aka Boris the Blade parody troll account on Twitter. @eurotec007

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